
Welcome to the Core & Pelvic floor training revolution…

In a time where core training looks like painful planks and straining with sit-ups, and pelvic floor exercises come with their ups and downs (pun intended), I invite you to try a revolutionary approach to core and pelvic floor conditioning.

The Hypopressive method is a stand alone core restoration & training system, with an approach that is very different from conventional core training.

No previous exercise experience or ability is needed to be able to effectively do, enjoy and benefit from Hypopressives.

Developed in Europe in the 1980’s, Hypopressives were originally designed for speedy recovery of stretched and damaged muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal wall in postnatal women.

Results have been so impressive, that the Hypopressive method has been taken up by a much wider community of men and women, wanting to prevent and relieve core and pelvic health challenges in different phases of life or due to strenuous lifestyles.

A breath of fresh air in core & pelvic floor training

Hypopressives are a safe, effective and efficient way to train the core system in a way that is immediately relevant to every day life and avoid any risk of core system overload, signs of which can include peeing or passing wind, tummy bulging and breath holding during exercise.

In contrast to traditional core exercises, which often focus on individual muscles in the pelvic floor, abdomen or spine, Hypopressives reprogram the core as a whole, integrating myofascial chains, respiratory and nervous systems, and working them reliably and with synergy and balance, through breath work and postural flows.

Benefits of Hypopressives

benefits of hypopressives

Breathe don’t squeeze!

Whereas traditional core and pelvic floor exercises raise internal pressures (hyper-pressure), Hypopressives work by lowering internal pressures within the abdomen and pelvis.

A flow of specific postures, combined with a rhythmical breathing pattern, result in an abdominal vacuum. The vacuum activates the pelvic floor to draw up and the deep abdominals in, whilst tensioning the deep connective tissues (fascia).

No conscious awareness of the core muscles, nor an ability to contract them voluntarily is needed for Hypopressives to be effective.

Taking away the guess work

Research shows that the majority of us aren’t able to action the core and pelvic floor muscles on command. Hypopressive exercise restores activation of our core system by reflex. Unlike other forms of core training which depend on our ability to contract these muscles voluntarily, Hypopresssives naturally work the endurance (slow-twitch) muscle fibres making up 75-80% of our core musculature.

Who can benefit from Hypopressive exercise?

Prevention /improvement in;
– Pelvic girdle pain
– Prolapse
– Diastasis recti
– Post-natal recovery

Prevention/ improvement in;
– Incontinence
– Digestive complaints
– Posture & waistline
– Stress and anxiety
– Sexual difficulties
– Problems with sleep

– Respiratory efficiency
– Injury prevention
– Musculoskeletal capabilities
– Sporting performance

Prevention /improvement in;
– Inguinal hernia
– Symptoms post prostate surgery

People choose Hypopressives for a variety of benefits:

  • Women may have a goal of preventing, managing or curing specific pelvic health concerns such as pelvic pain, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastases recti.
  • Women may use Hypopressives to aid preparation for and healing from urogynaecological procedures.
  • Men and women use Hypopressives to achieve improved posture and core muscle function and to improve aesthetic appearance of the abdomen.
  • Some men and women have reported improvements in IBS and digestive disorders with Hypopressives.
  • Men use Hypopressives to prevent/improve hernias and reduce symptoms post prostate surgery.
  • Sportsmen and sportswomen use Hypopressives to maximise respiratory efficiency and musculoskeletal capabilities, optimising performance and aiding injury prevention.
  • The Hypopressive Method can also trigger a ‘Relaxation Response’, helping to manage anxiety, reduce stress, restore calm and improve sleep patterns.

Hypopressive exercises will need to be modified if you have hypertension or are pregnant.

Modifications may also be needed in acute phases of inflammatory digestive problems such as Crohn’s disease, although some people with these complaints have found symptomatic improvements using Hypopressives.

Hypopressive exercises are not recommended if you have heart problems.

Do I need any special equipment?

All you need is enough floor space to lie down with your arms and legs outstretched, a yoga mat is optional for your comfort.

What to expect from Hypopressive sessions

It’s important to learn Hypopressives from a qualified Hypopressives instructor. It’s not advisable to learn the method from a video, in part due to its technical nature, but also as it is vital for your well-being and maximal benefit, that your individual physicality and needs are taken into consideration.

Initial assessment

At your first appointment, we will take plenty of time to discuss your concerns, taking into account health and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your problem. If you are seeking my help with an intimate issue and you think you may feel embarrassed about this, please be assured that I will understand your worries and have helped many people in similar situations before.

Your physical examination will depend upon your symptoms and requirements, but following which I will explain my overall findings and we will agree a treatment plan that fits your goals and lifestyle.

You will receive a full physical treatment in this consultation and I will also provide you with a tailored exercises and lifestyle modifications and teach you the Hypopressive breathing technique, to begin your recovery immediately.

This whole process will take around 90 minutes, at the end of which you should feel mentally and physically better, as well as ready and able to start some foundation Hypopressive exercise.

At a mutually agreed time within a week after our consultation, I will check your progress with a 10-15min phone or video follow-up. In my experience a little back up at this time can often be beneficial in helping your continued progress.

Follow-up sessions

Over your follow-up sessions, your progress will be reviewed and you will be coached through the Hypopressive breathing technique and postural flow, with any appropriate modifications to best suit your specific needs and goals. Initially, as little as 10-15 minutes of daily practice is advised to see results quickly.

On average it takes around 6 hours of guided training to learn a full flow of basic postures and master the breathing technique. This is usually broken down into six 1 hour sessions.

At the end of the six sessions you will be fully able to practice a Hypopressive routine independently.

Alongside the method, based on your symptoms and requirements we may discuss:

  • The core and pelvic floor muscles with relevance to your particular activities/lifestyle.
  • Actionable lifestyle tips and strategies for symptom prevention and management.
  • How Hypopressives can realistically fit into your life long-term (once you’ve gotten going, maintenance is quicker and easier than you might think)
  • Strategies in overcoming barriers which may be preventing you from achieving your full potential.

How should I prepare for Hypopressive training?

Clothes should be comfortable and allow free movement. It is preferable to exercise with bare feet.

As with any exercise it is important to be generally well hydrated before and after each session, although your bladder should be empty prior to Hypopressive exercise.