About Hypopressives

Welcome to the Core & Pelvic floor training revolution…

Who does Hypopressives?

Hypopressive exercise can be done by anyone, but the people who join me to learn the method generally have or are trying to prevent some kind of pelvic health complaint, such as bladder leaks, prolapse or back/pelvic pain. More and more, I’m also seeing active women who wish to build core control and performance without physically strenuous exercises. 

This is for you, if you… 

  • Crave a stronger more toned body but punishing planks and killer core workouts not for you
  • Want a strong posture to reduce back & pelvic pain
  • Want to protect your intimate health & improve sexual satisfaction
  • Are feeling uninspired or let down by pelvic floor exercises
  • Want the freedom to wear what you like, laugh and run without peeing
  • Want to improve your over all sports performance and help prevent injury
  • Want to rest and digest efficiently

All of this with one effective, time efficient method !

I offer Hypopressives on a 1:1 basis or in group sessions.

What are Hypopressives?

Hypopressive exercise is a gentle technique that uses a combination of specific rhythmical breathing techniques, combined with postural holds and mindful movement, that activates the pelvic floor and deep core muscles.

Hypopressives are very achievable for all. You do not need to be fit or flexible.

Anyone, of any age, size, shape or ability can enjoy and benefit from Hypopressives exercise.

Why Hypopresssives?

NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, recommends pelvic floor training and lifestyle advice as first line treatments for complaints such as pelvic organ prolapse and bladder and bowel control issues.

NICE also recommends exercise and Core strengthening for the management of back and pelvic pain.

This is based on research that shows, when done correctly, Core and pelvic floor training can successfully prevent, reduce and even cure these difficulties. However, from personal and professional experience, I have seen that traditional core and pelvic floor exercises;

  1. are very difficult do correctly,
  • Only a small percentage of us are able to tighten the core and pelvic floor muscles properly, and are often compensating with other muscle groups.
  • Muscles in the pelvic floor, abdomen or spine, are often worked individually, so they never learn to work as an integrated system.

2. often actually increase pelvic floor strain and fatigue,

  • Often an over emphasis on strengthening 
  • Done with poor technique, activities like planks and sit-ups have potential for overload (signs of which can include peeing or passing wind, tummy bulging or breath holding during exercise)

3. can be challenging to maintain for the duration required to see benefit, being uninspiring, and dare I say a little boring. 

Hypopressive exercise is different;

  • Hypopressives reliably work up to 75-80% of our core and pelvic floor musculature automatically
  • Hypopressives are effective even if you ‘can’t find’ your pelvic floor 
  • Hypopressives work the core and pelvic floor muscles through full movements of action and relaxation
  • Hypopressive exercise is gentle and avoids risk of overloading the pelvic floor
  • Hypopressives reprogram the core as a whole, integrating myofascial chains, respiratory and nervous systems
  • Hypopresives are relaxing and enjoyable

So maybe it’s time to switch-up punishing planks and uninspiring pelvic floor squeezes and instead try Hypopressives, the natural way to train your core and pelvic floor muscles, for the relief and prevention of problems like incontinence, prolapse, back and pelvic pain.

People who practice Hypopressives also report benefits that include better sleep and recovery, better breathing, posture and digestion, whilst feeling de-stressed and more relaxed.

How is it different to conventional pelvic floor training?

Traditional pelvic floor training in the form of Kegals, haven’t changed since they were developed in the 1940’s. But, modern medicine’s understanding of how the pelvic floor works leads us to consider the body as a whole and the pelvic floor as just one part of a much larger system of deep Core muscles that all need to be considered for exercise to be most effective and a reason why pelvic floor training in isolation may not always benefit. In addition, the majority of us aren’t able to contract our pelvic floor muscles voluntarily. In fact, we’re often using different muscles entirely which is ineffective and can become demoralising.

Hypopressive exercise stimulates a reflex contraction of 75-80% of our core and pelvic floor, restoring balance, coordination and function of the system as a whole!

I teach Hypopressives one to one and run workshops and retreats.

Contraindications & considerations

Hypopressives exercise is not vigorous and you do not require any previous level of fitness or exercise experience to enjoy it, however the vacuum element of Hypopressive breathwork is not recommended if you are affected by any of the following health complaints.

If you are pregnant or have:

  • Heart/lung conditions
  • Uncontrolled blood pressure
  • Acute gastrointestinal issues
  • Active cancer
  • Recent abdominal surgery

This is because, during the Hypopressive vacuum, pressures within the body are lowered. This  ‘vacuum effect’, may not be tolerated well in people with the conditions above.

If you have a hiatus hernia, some of the postures will need to be modified.

Client Testimonials

“I completed 6 sessions of Hypopressives with Lara and I’m already seeing great results in my posture and core strength. Lara really listened to what I wanted to achieve from learning this technique, was caring and understanding and was really supportive by tailoring the sessions to best support me in achieving my goals. She is incredibly knowledgeable and intuitive and knew exactly how to help me get the results I wanted. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Lara or Hypopressives and I’m really pleased to see the progress I’ve made.”
Emma, Ynys Mon

“I used to get a dragging feeling and small bladder leaks towards the end of long runs. I considered giving up running, but after 6 sessions of Hypopressives I’m feeling stronger and my symptoms have mostly gone. I’m looking forward to continued improvement.”
Laura, Ynys Mon

Gaining recognition

This is an excerpt taken from The Guardian’s ‘Fitness tips’ February 2023:
Try Hypopressive training. These are brilliant low-impact, breath-led exercises for women to help strengthen the pelvic floor. They take just 10 minutes a day and can help you to build the confidence you need to train – without worrying about embarrassing accidents.”

Kirsty Victoria, postnatal health practitioner

Comment left on MyCorePhysio website:

“Hypopressives work…something that’s very needed for both men and women but rarely understood. “

Maire Campbell,  chewvalleycouncelling