Introduction to Hypopressives: Women's Health Workshop

For women who want a holistic approach to feeling emotionally balanced, physically strong and in control of their feminine health, without killer core workouts or monotonous pelvic floor squeezes.

Is it for you?

      Know you should be doing something for your feminine health – but feeling uncertain?

      Want to strengthen your pelvic floor – but uninspired, or let down by traditional pelvic floor exercises?

      Desire a toned tummy and strong core to help back or pelvic pain – but punishing planks not for you?

      Feeling stressed – but struggle to settle down for meditation?

Hypopressives are a holistic approach helping to address all of these problems (& more) and take just minutes to do!

Join me for an introduction to the Hypopressives Method.

Based on a combination of breath-work, postural holds and mindful movement, Hypopressives are an achievable way to balance and strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor, tummy and spine without strain. By activating the vagus nerve, Hypopressives will also help you feel emotionally rebalanced, more resilient and in control.

Before you tell your-self you won’t be able to do this, be reassured that anyone of any age, size, shape or fitness level can enjoy and benefit from this revolutionary method.

Alongside Hypopressive practice, I will guide you to a deeper understanding of how your body works, and discuss practical lifestyle tips and management strategies for common feminine health complaints.

What are the benefits of Hypopressives?

People who practice Hypopressives enjoy numerous benefits, Hypopressives can help;

       Boost emotional and physical health

       Reconnect, protect and strengthen the core and pelvic floor muscles

       Improve posture, tummy tone and sexual satisfaction

       Prevent and relieve pelvic health problems such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, back and pelvic pain

       Better breathing

       Gain flexibility and prevent injuries

       Alleviate stress and anxiety

       Quality sleep

Are there any limitations to who can do the workshop?

Hypopressives can be enjoyed by anyone, although the vacuum element of Hypopressive breathwork is not advised whilst you are pregnant or have;

  • an active cancer
  • cardio-respiratory disease
  • uncontrolled blood pressure
  • acute inflammatory gut disorder such as Crohn’s Disease
  • had recent abdominal surgery or hernia

If you are affected by any of the above, you will still be able to practice and gain benefit from the other elements of Hypopressive exercise.

If in doubt, you must seek advice from your healthcare provider/GP before booking a place, I will not be able to make judgement on your fitness to participate on the day.

What to Expect from the weekend 

Groups are kept small, so I am able to offer each individual ample attention and feedback.

Outline schedule


4pm                  Arrivals, & Welcome treat

5.15pm              Trigonos Introductions and orientation

5.30-6.30pm   Meet Lara, Introduction to Hypopresssives background & goal setting for the weekend

7pm                   Dinner

After dinner     Free time for walk, swim, relaxing by the fire, settling in.


8-9am             Breakfast

9.30am            Discussion session:

            • The Core & Pelvic Floor, what they do and how they work as part of the core system.
            • Relevance to feminine health
            • How Hypopressive Exercise works these muscles and other benefits
            • The importance of correct breathing patterns

11am                Morning Break 

11.45am           Practical session:

            • Learning the Hypopressive breath-work.

1-2pm              Lunch

2pm                 Discussion session:

            • Dietary and lifestyle tips for prevention and relief of common pelvic health complaints.

2.30pm            Practical session:

            • Hypopressive breath-work practise with addition of standing postures. 

4pm                 Afternoon break

5pm                 Short guided walk in the local area

7pm                 Dinner

Time TBC         *Star gazing activity with Dani Robertson- Sept weekend only weekend

                          *Other weekends, free time 


 8-9am              Breakfast

9.30am              Practical session:

            • All level 1 standing postures & beginner standing flow.

11am                   Morning break 

11.45am             Mixed session practical &discussion:

            • Making sure you’re competent & confident with the Hypopressive breath-work technique and postures to continue practise independently.
            • How to build a successful Hypopressives habit & ways forward following the weekend
            • Q&A

1-2pm              Lunch

2pm                 Departures

You will receive a handout of the exercises you have learned so you can continue practice at home.

If you don’t feel comfortable taking part in discussions that’s fine, you can simply sit back and take things in. There is no pressure to speak up.

What you will need:

Comfortable clothing for Hypopressive exercise and suitable clothing for outdoor activities (keeping in mind the changeability of mountain weather).

An exercise mat or blanket.

Workshop facilitator

I am a Physiotherapist with more than 25 years’ experience, specialising in Women’s Health since 2012, and was the first Women’s Health Physio to qualify as a Hypopressives Instructor in the UK, under the tutelage of UK Hypopressives in 2016. Since this I have successfully used the method to manage my own feminine health concerns as well as using Hypopressives to help many other women achieve health confidence.

Location (Map below)

This event will be taking place at Trigonos, in the stunning Nantlle Valley.