What to Expect

No previous exercise experience or ability is needed to be able to do, enjoy and benefit from Hypopressives.

Do I need any special equipment?

All you need is enough floor space to lie down with your arms and legs outstretched.

Hypopressive sessions

It’s advisable to learn Hypopressives from a qualified Hypopressives instructor, due to its’ technical nature, but also as it is vital for your well-being and maximal benefit, that your individual physicality and needs are taken into consideration.

Initial assessment

At your first appointment, we will take time to discuss your concerns, taking into account health and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your problem. If you are seeking my help with an intimate issue and you think you may feel embarrassed about this, please be assured that I will understand your worries and have helped many people in similar situations before. Your physical examination will depend upon your symptoms and requirements, but following which I will explain my overall findings and we will discuss how Hypopressives can be used to fit your goals and lifestyle.

If appropriate and agreed, you will receive a full physical treatment in this consultation, in order for you to gain maximum benefit from Hypopressives practice. I will then teach you the Hypopressive breath work technique and provide you with tailored exercises and any relevant lifestyle advice.

This whole process will take around 90 minutes, at the end of which you should feel mentally and physically better, as well as ready and able to start some foundation Hypopressive exercise at home.

At a mutually agreed time within a week after our consultation, I will check your progress with a 10-15min telephone follow-up. In my experience a little back up at this time can often be beneficial in helping your continued progress.

Follow-up sessions

Your progress will be reviewed and you will be coached through the Hypopressive breathing technique with the addition of specific postures that when combined, form the Hypopressive ‘flow’. Appropriate modifications will be made to to best suit your specific needs and goals. Initially, as little as 10-15 minutes of daily practice is advised to see results quickly.

Alongside the method, based on your symptoms and requirements we may discuss:

  • The core and pelvic floor muscles with relevance to your particular activities/lifestyle.
  • Actionable lifestyle tips and strategies for symptom prevention and management.
  • How Hypopressives can realistically fit into your life long-term (once you’ve gotten going, maintenance is quicker and easier than you might think)
  • Strategies in overcoming barriers which may be preventing you from achieving your full potential.

How should I prepare for Hypopressive training?

Clothes should be comfortable and allow free movement. It is preferable, but not essential, to exercise with bare feet.

As with any exercise it is important to be generally well hydrated before and after each session, although your bladder should be empty for Hypopressive exercise. As a general guideline, at least an hour should be allowed after eating before Hypopressive exercise to allow for digestion.